Blazer Wireless Towing Lights – SEMA/AAPEX 2012

Blazer Wireless Towing Lights

Blazer Wireless Towing Lights – SEMA/AAPEX 2012

One of life’s great hassles – aside from the actual towing of the vehicle itself – is running the wiring harness from the towing vehicle to the one being towed. At this year’s SEMA/AAPEX Show, we may have found some relief.

Blazer Wireless Towing Lights (C6304) come in kit form and are designed to make the arduous task of vehicle-towing a bit easier. According to the manufacturer:


  • 65 foot wireless range
  • 4 ‘AA’ batteries in each light
  • Magnetic Transmitter Attachment

On the surface, it all looks good to us. Only time will tell if they live up to the hype. During company testing, they said they had no trouble with the lights blowing off, even though they may have been going “a tad” over the speed limit. Sounds fair, but we say, let’s take ’em for a spin on the Autobahn 🙂

Blazer Wireless Towing Lights – SEMA/AAPEX 2012


Check prices/purchase on Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information: Blazer Site

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